Himont has established itself among the medical community as a responsible and professional partner with quality products and services. Within short span of Seventeen Years Himont has established itself as market leader in certain formulations, causing other companies to test their quality against Himont products.
It is the only pharmaceutical company in the country which has the capability to manufacture bulk chemicals finished pharmaceuticals and conduct self distribution.
The future of the national healthcare industry in Pakistan is exciting and challenging. It would be difficult for the national industry to acquire the latest molecules, after the implementation of WTO and GATT. Despite the fact, the pharmaceutical industry will continue to expand at an average rate of ten percent [10%] per annum for the nest ten years the demand for quality products will also increase rapidly the expectations of the physicians and the government will raise the bar on the current standard of performance therefore quality human capital will play a vital role in the success of any healthcare organization.
Himont''s primary focus will be to ensure its productivity per employee and efficient utilization of its finances in order to meet the future challenges Himont will continuously invest in upgrading its human resource and systems in order to remain competitive. Himont will also continuously search for the latest technologies and international business collaborations.
Himont after satisfactory growth in the last seventeen years will try to open new markets beyond the national boarders, while fulfilling the needs of the local collaborations.
While the Himont team is confident to meet the future challenges, it also keeps an eye on the constant concern for excellence while serving the physicians and patients with the utmost care and professionalism.